Bunte Teller mit Blumenstrauß dekoriert
Frozen blau


at the Mäser Group - tradition meets innovation.

With Heart

For over 145 years, everything related to tableware has been our passion. Porcelain from European and Far Eastern production facilities is our core competence! Beautiful glassware and fine cutlery make the overall impression perfect, so these items complement our range.

Regale mit Geschirr
Ausstellungsraum mit Geschirr
Ausstellungsraum von Geschirr
zwei Teller mit einem Löffel

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Don´t miss any new range and get directly all the latest information about Mäser. We show you how diverse tableculture is and how much pleasure porcelain and co. brings!

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Our heart beats for great products - take a look around and get in touch with us. We are here for you!

Whether classic white porcelain or colourful stoneware. We offer you a table full of ideas!


Gipfelstück stands for exclusive tableware design in sustainable premium quality, inspired by the beauty of the Alps.

Timeless, unique designs paired with refined details and fair, resource-saving production made in Europe transform every dining table into a piece of natural beauty.